Sunday, January 13, 2013

X-ZACT Training Phase XV: 123012 - 11213

SESSION XV – 15 Starts Today (Happy New Year)

[Update summary. Sore knee, (Attempted) attack of the flu, Started arginine supplements, amazing results, upper body home work. We cross the 200 day mark also. First attempt at uploading video. Enjoy.]

123012 (Sunday #193)

In case you’re just joining us This is Bajai Boot Camp Year II: The theme is Xtreme Zombie Apocalypse Combat Training (X-ZACT for short). Essentially it’s a daily exercise journal that has expanded to include more than logging in the number of pushups or the amount of weight I press on any given day. It’s begun to include weight charts, as I monitor my weight daily. There are notes regarding my “health” (random heart rate checks, injuries, pains, etc.), what I eat as well as how I train and my philosophy on training and ahem – aging. UGH! A topic I don’t want to acknowledge. 

The original Bajai Boot Camp began on June 19th 2011 and you can look over those posts on this website if you like. 

The general purpose of this journal is primarily to remind me of what I did and how I trained as time goes on. Secondly, as nothing on the web is entirely private, if anyone stumbles on to these sessions and wants to emulate, copy, use or improve upon them, feel free. I learned some time ago that successful body builders make use of journals. This way they can document what works, or worked and what didn’t. 

There are a LOT of exercise programs out here today along with a guru to present them, and the truth is, THEY ALL WORK. The science, strategies and concepts are all sound. They’ve all be tried, tested and proven by the results of their (chosen) participants. Of course they may not work for YOU as QUICKLY or as COMPLETELY as they do for the subjects in the ads, but they do work and they will work for you if you apply a few simple “secret” strategies, that most people think they want to know, but don’t implement even when they are informed of them. 

With this in mind, and a realization that this is NOT a widely read “blog,” I am disinclined to reveal the aforementioned at this time. 

I have divided this regimen into, what will eventually be 26 sessions comprising one fortnight each. I’ve been going for 6 weeks on of whatever the main theme is, then two weeks of a different type of routine. The last few sessions have been heavy lifting followed by two weeks of body weight training and high intensity interval training. Weight charts, measurements and evaluation pictures are also included, just to keep me honest. And that’s pretty much all. 

Hope it helps. 

AM – Work: Left knee is sore, right ring finger’s sore and I have an itchy rash. I’m updating; beginning Session 15 as I’m ending 2012. About to start probably six weeks of heavy lifting with generous supplementation featuring Cr. B-A and protein drinks, although I do plan on eating less red meat, partially because of the cost, and a few other reasons; fowl and fish are still in though. Full disclosure – I have tried to cut the meat before only to bring it back when I found I was losing strength. So here we go again. If I can find some game meat, I may add that here and there.

Today I guess I’ll start loading – I don’t want to go another full week without some heavy lifting.

Wake 195: Sea salt purge, drank the whole quart this time – worked as expected. Mixed my Cr.-B-A stax for tomorrow. I plan to chill today – maybe a lite workout, upper body. Left knee not as sore, but tight. I should ice it.

I can feel the excitement of returning to the heavy phase. Body needs to get together. Getting some lite weight body wt & movement stuff in. The knee actually began to feel better when I worked out. Amazing!!

123112 (Monday #194) First dose of Cr.B-A at midnight. Seems like the stingles kicked in immediately on my lips. Seems funny to start something at the end of the year, but it’s the beginning of the week and a new session.

Maybe I’ll get some dumbbell or suspension work in, between reading. OK, so I didn’t work out, I’ll hit the weights at home.

2 doses.

Wake 192.5 31.5% 49% Good weight drop, Is this the sea salt purge or the Cr B-A??

Focused upper body workout. Chest, shoulders, trapz, biceps, tried some unusual moves to strengthen shoulders more. Cr. B-A pre workout, protein drink post.

Lots of shrugs involved that I’m feeling now. Cr. B-A loaded for day 1.

Turkey, shrooms, spinach, tomatoes, guac for dinner. I still feel spent.

Knee is still weak. ICED once or twice.

JANUARY 2013 The Transition. 

10113 (Tuesday #195)

It’s OK not to celebrate the new year. Resting for more home work this eve. Loading Cr. B-A just 2 doses at the gig, we’ll see if the weight drop was a fluke or not. I drink more when I’m loading – 40 oz extra of liquids. No wonder.

Wake 193 – E Got to be the weather.

Messed around with some forearm work then got into upper body; Back, trapz, chest, triceps, Day #2 of Cr. B-A loading. Fruit breakfast, stack – tea – CLA & Omega 3. White fish & red lentils for dinner.

10213 (Wednesday #196) AM – Work. Day #3 of loading. (Doing solitaire experiment).

Been waking up at the regular time w/o the alarm. Will need to switch it on again tomorrow.

Knee is still achy and swollen, but not as much. I need to stop leaning on it when I type.

I may get to the Y later today for some Leg Therapy. I may be able to squat. Air squats have been okay during leg rehab.

Wake 192.5 21% 54.5% - Significant change. Must be diet or maybe load? Who knows? If I can stay strong and get strong eating like this I’m in (fruits, nuts, little red meat, supplements). Wasn’t very hungry on the job. Saved the salad for tonight.

Heading to the Y for legs. Upper body feels pretty good after 2 days of home training.

Dream cramp right calf. Left knee iced before bed, still mildly swollen and stiff. ROM is not where it was.

LEGS DAY (flix) – I’ve decided this will be an 8 week session. The first two being for re-acclimating myself to the routine.

Squats: 4 x 8 185, last set 205. Lost a lot of strength, however the sore knee must be taken into account. (+ calf raises.)

Sets Round (3x): Smith leg press + calf press + calf raises + shin flex. Heavy but no maxs. (The press and flex are on video.)

Seated leg press – high & focused + calf presses.
Leg curls – still strong
Leg therapy – single leg extensions
Left sore but strong. Done, 60 minutes.

10313 (Thursday #197) – AM – Work. Feeling yesterday’s leg work already. Also feeling Tuesday’s home – upper body back work. Some dormant muscles have been awakened but I forgot a lot of the exercises I did. I woke ‘em up but forgot how.

I’m feeling lower lat soreness, (all around the ribs in fact. Hurts when I take deep breaths.) I cannot ever remember feeling this before. Obliques are kickin in as well.

I looked at some pix from the end of 2011, I’ve really bulked up!!

Not much eating tonight, Day #4 of Cr. B-A loading. Initial results have subsided. Body purge earlier, before work. This is probably the result of fruit breakfasts. Could I possibly be able to bulk and burn? Had chicken breast, spinach & chick peas for dinner.

Wake 193 GX- YMCA – bowling with the fam.

10413 (Friday #198) 193 10 hours sleep.

Fruit, tea, ACV for breakfast – not in that order. Haven’t had the first Cr. B-A does yet. I haven’t been as diligent as the last time. I think I’m well loaded. Errands have to be run today so gym is a question. Maybe train at home. (It’s a nice option.)

Knee is better – still not bounding up steps. Rt ring finger still sore, affects pull & grip. Lower left back sore, but not as bad, should make a diagram to show the area. Seems like DOMS to me. Those muscles were asleep. 

HOMEWORK: Back, tris, shoulders, trapz, flat bench. Brought the 50s up from the basement. Presses, flies, shrugs, curls, extensions, very random and casual upper body session. I like it. Oh yeah, warm ups, included air squats.

10513 (Saturday #199) ACV tea, morning stack, brunch w/ the Fram today. No place for diet.

The left knee is actually feeling better. El (train station) steps are the test, but sitting is another test. Steps are faring better.

10613 – (Sunday #200) Milestone, if my count is accurate. It’s known not to be.

Wake 195 despite a double – some exercise stuff and work, but mostly reading. May do flat mat upper body this eve. Max(?) Legs Monday at the Y.

Knee is improving. Keep icing, rubbing and stretches. Another hit!!

“Body Builder” omelet  at Llanarch Diner, expensive, but a more rare event.

Home work on the floor: Chest, triceps and legs with ank wts. Shoulders, seated shoulder work and lying shoulder work. I feel tired and weak and heavy and fat… you know what THAT sounds like, ha ha!

Realized today that my core is tight, like over-stuffed and inflexible. Need to do more bending, stretching, twisting, old school sit ups. I should ice the knee before work. 

Couldn't quite capture the image I was after. Some things
aren't meant to be captured on "film"
Something I liked about my look today, but couldn’t capture it on “film.” (Photo)

10713 (Monday #201)

Wake 194.5 E

Max Legs & Therapy at the Y

Knee continues to improve. Range of motion of left knee determines depth of squats. I think I can start at 205 today. Squat, press, flex, calves, push, curl, extend – maybe kick 8 rep squats, maybe keep the set count low. Last Max Legs was 5 days ago. Take Cr. B-A blend pre-workouts and once a day for maintenance.


SQUATS – were tough, knee held up, 3x8 205. No wt calf raises b/w.
LEG PRESS (Smith) was strong, 3 sets, progressive, calf press super set + calf raises (no wt.)
SHIN FLEX & Bent calf raise (toes in) 2x15-20 75 lbs, then 2 sets 10-12 80 lbs.. Goodbye 70s. The shin flex is becoming powerful. (Video, may or may not work... )
LEG CURLS – Not as strong, but maxing 195 for reps. Healing the knee will cause improvement.
SEATED LEG PRESS/Calf Press continuous, same wt, 195, different leg and foot positions.
THERAPY – Single leg extensions, left leg worked to 120, no probs with the rt leg. Didn’t stretch afterwards, maybe before work? Nope.

Oh yeah, belly looks fat at the bottom, but the pack is showing above. Geeze.. strange.

10813 (Tuesday #202) AM – Work, sniffling, sneezing, runny nose. Third Base ( a triple)… raise the defenses, Vit C +ACV+Sea Salt + Hot Tea. Going back to Miami!!!

Wake 195.5 23 – 53%: fruit breakfast, stax etc. Home work out, mostly upper back stuff.

These symptoms are slowing me down. Two cups of elixir before work. FIGHT!! It’s going around.

10913 (Wednesday #203) AM – Work: Beat back the bug so far today, needed some rest. Knee has improved, still needs work.

Wake 195.5 E Double – (second base) improved my #’s to 19% & 56% - interesting. Elimination is not changing the weight. Hope it’s muscle. (This has become my motto since packing on pounds.)

20 Minute brisk walk to 6-9, the knee hung in but not ready to run yet.

It takes discipline to ride Public Transit!

Woke with a headache, thought it was hunger, but maybe not.

11013 (Thursday #204) expected drop, morning stack, fruit breakfast, random wt lifting, upper body stuff. GX this PM, ice knee (it’s ok, but a little swollen, short ROM).

Knee Iced!!

I like this random home workout stuff, my most challenging interval is, squat-shoulder press-full body curls-shrugs w/ 40 lb dbs, wears me out!! HR, cardio vascular – might film this. Want to take a self portrait today.

Good GX – iced knee again. Lf knee was stronger, but Rt knee started up, rubbed both.

11113 (Friday #205) Wake: 195.5 – E (Ate out +1 beer last night, came in at 197.5)

Sea salt, 1 cup (16 oz) – worked.
Lf knee feels better. Max legs today (maybe?) Maybe I can deadlift. Might be more than sea salt going down. 5!

Did a bunch of walking – legs are sore from GX yesterday – didn’t run (up the steps) for the train – bad sign. I’ll reduce in the Spring (another motto, since I’ve packed on weight.) 15-20 lbs. Keep that in mind.

Always worth it going to the gym. (6 now.)  We can call this a purge day. Ate quite a bit today, but I’ve been awake a long time.

Mini Legs Day: Went lighter than before the break – but I’m back into it.
Romanian Deadlifts 4 sets of about 6 – 185 lbs
Regular Deadlifts 4 sets, 185 (right grip not strong, ring finger still sore.)
Shin flex (85 lbs) lower legs are really starting to reflect this work. Wt less calf raises.
Thrusters 1x8 (45 lb bar); 2x6 (bar+20) deep squats in front.
Leg curls – moderate weight 3 x 8 maybe 4 sets.
Leg Extensions – moderate weight (both legs) just repped out, maybe went to 200 or close.
Suspension work for legs. I don’t really have names for this, and I’m still working on/at it. Maybe a film later. It’s TR X type stuff.

First day adding ARGININE to the pre-workout stack, ½ dose. No noticeable results or side effects so far.

The knee is improving, greater ROM, less pain, ice & rub before work and eat again, better check the weight too.

Didn’t ice, didn’t eat. Knee and stomach didn’t remind me. Drank tea, got fruit and nut mix for work. Maybe a salad?

No weight change.

11213 (Saturday #206) – AM – Work:

Finishing up session XV today. Not sure what will happen later today when I wake up. The dumbbells are lying around the house and my upper body isn’t too sore, I wonder if I’ve gotten used to this already. The upper body is coming back, getting cut, defined, chiseled – whatever it’s called these days – I’m down with it. Big Chunky is still kind of in the way, although I’ve been eating “better” I think. I haven’t taken very many protein drinks, simply due to past results, i.e. adding weight and I don’t think I want to do too much of that. I’m getting close to 200, buck naked, and while I’m liking the definition in my legs and upper torso, it seems that when I take protein on a daily basis, my belly gets bigger. 

I need to find that combination that fulfills the implied promise of making my body a “muscle building, fat burning machine.” The muscle building part seems to be working out; the fat burning part doesn’t seem as noticeable. If both sides of the process don’t work it’s not successful. 

As I am approaching the 200 mark, I have to ask myself, should I start reducing earlier than planned if I hit 200, or keep pumping the iron and stick to the plan. 

On the plus side; the more muscle I add this winter, the easier, theoretically it will be to burn off the fat this summer (I won’t bore you with the science, but you can always request an explanation). The second argument for “staying the course” is simply a matter of committing to the plan and finally, despite some setbacks with the knee, I’m getting hella-strong and powerful. The combination of conventional lifting,  interval-lifting and body work is having very positive results. 

The negative argument, is that I don’t want my weight to get out of control, putting 200 lbs, even of muscle, on this frame (5’ 11”) is still challenging; I’ve still got to move it up steps and in cardio classes. BMI does not distinguish between fat weight and muscle weight, although muscle weight is preferable. 

Okay, so here are my solution for the moment. 

1. First I’ll have to start waking up at 200 lbs. Wake up weight is usually my lowest of the day. 
2. My body fat% will have to rise along with it, even on my wacky scale. I either want to see my weight go up and the BF% stay the same or go lower. 
3. My resting heart rate would have to increase; this would be a bad sign as it would indicate my heart is working harder, this might indicate I’m fatter than it may appear. (Although, my eating continues to improve, this would be puzzling.) 

So, now that I’ve set the “traps” so to speak, I can continue on as I have been. 
Let me break out the p/u bars and crank out a few reps. 

Here's what session 15 looks like on the weight chart. The
dip probably suggests illness and/or soreness. Seems I got
hit with a double as I entered the New Year. Onward!
Wake 195.5 23% 54% H2O (Feels like a new day.)

(Random) Home work, started out with alt. curls and pressing 30 lbs dumbbells, they felt light so I increased to 40s (80 lbs total). The 40s feel light too. So I’m solidly repping, what I’d tossing (using momentum) just a week ago. Amazing!! (But, basically I’m really just back to where I was several years back. On the other hand, this is where I said I wanted to be – back to 2004! This shish works.

Arms – shoulders – triceps- trapz, obliques (worked with the 60!!). Early to work today, little time to train.

Pork, tomato, avocado, cheese, breakfast. Ending this session on a high-psyched note. Even the knees feel better today.

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